WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced what he described as an Israeli plan to end the war with Hamas and urged the ...
Hamas has only tens of rockets left with sufficient range to reach Tel Aviv and central Israel, according to estimates by the ...
The Israel Land Authority notified the U.N. relief agency UNRWA that it must immediately vacate state land and buildings in ...
The Republican Jewish Coalition leapt to the defense of Donald Trump after he was found guilty on 34 charges related to ...
The share of Israeli Jews who believe an Israeli and a Palestinian state can peacefully coexist has plummeted since Oct. 7, ...
Claudia Sheinbaum vaulted to the top of the Mexican presidential polls last year when she was selected as the candidate for ...
Sen. John Fetterman, the Pennsylvania Democrat who has emerged as an unlikely champion for Israel since Oct. 7, disavowed his ...
Tzachi Hanegbi, the national security adviser to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, predicted that Israel’s war with ...
Two students left the Reconstructionist Rabbinical College over what they described as a hostile anti-Israel culture at the ...
Along the journey of becoming citizens of the United States, our family last name went from being Locuvitz to Lefkowitz, out ...
Across the country, angry protesters have been blocking highways, heckling political leaders and setting up tent encampments ...
There are increasing signs that the Jewish vote may be shifting away from the Democrats. A poll taken of New York voters in ...